Discovering trends is an important task for which time is often lacking. How can current topics and trends relating to your own market environment and beyond be discovered quickly without spending huge amounts of time and money on research? The aim is to produce a dossier of the top topics in the media and on social networks and highlight those that are up and coming.
Upcoming trends from early adopter markets can be determined on an industry-specific basis. Topics that affect whole markets or that are only really noticeable on the fringes often go unnoticed if your in-house media monitoring has a limited view of the available data. As we have access to millions of data points, it is possible to monitor events in the markets without blind spots and thus highlight trends that would remain hidden with traditional monitoring.
Comparison with your competitors is the basis for meaningful categorisation of your work. ARGUS DATA INSIGHTS has a range of benchmark analyses to provide a perfect-fit solution for you. Checking success based on comparison to the previous year’s results is often no longer enough. Consolidation in the media landscape and specific influences affecting the whole industry can confuse the results.
Monitoring the success of your work is also supported by comparisons with your competitors, which can be more meaningful then a comparison with the previous year.
A comprehensive picture of the status quo in terms of media coverage forms the basis for planning successful communications measures. This helps to define realistic target figures in order to monitor success.
More and more often, our customers are asking us how they can assess their own media presence. The best way to answer this question is with a comparison to their direct competitors. This enables the potential for the media presence to be determined and industry-specific effects and changes in the media landscape to be identified and factored out. The comparison provides the perfect reference framework for any interpretation of media presence. As well as counting articles, conclusions can be reached about the topics covered, the penetration of press releases, and the tone and representatives.
This comprehensive picture of media presence is also a valuable basis for planning communication measures. Communication strengths and weaknesses can be identified and subsequently optimised. Last but not least, the database helps define appropriate, realistic indices by which to measure success.
More than 10,000 customers have placed their trust in ARGUS DATA INSIGHTS’s services. See for yourself how smart and meaningful media analytics can help you work more productively and efficiently.